Event registration form

Basic information

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Event details

Attendance details

Online attendee
About you

Contact details

Access requirements

In person attendee
About you

Contact details

Dietary requirements

Access requirements

Media consent

I hereby grant Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT) the right to photograph me and to use photograph(s), quotes, video footage or audio recording, and any reproductions or adaptations, for all general purposes in relation to its work including, without limitation, publicity materials, books, newspapers, magazine articles, websites and social media, now and in the future.


I hereby waive any right to inspect and approve a finished product or the copy that may be used in connection with an image TPT has taken of me, or the use to which it may be applied.


I further release TPT (and its direct or indirect licensees and assignees) from any claims for remuneration associated with any form of damage, foreseen or unforeseen, associated with the use of the images.

Your professional details

Registrations closed

Unfortunately registrations for this event are now closed

Registrations closed

Unfortunately registrations for this event are now closed

Registrations closed

Unfortunately registrations for this event are now closed

Registrations closed

Unfortunately this event has reached capacity for in person attendance. However, you can still register to join online by changing how you will be attending to online

Event specific questions
Event outcomes
So that we can measure the success of our events, please these answer these questions as part of the registration, before you attend. 

Step event

STEP event

Parent/carer details


Microsoft Teams: Please be aware that all online meetings take place via Microsoft Teams. We wanted to make you aware that your displayed name and email address will be visible to all attendees on the call including TPT staff, other students and guest speakers. Whilst we express in our Code of Conduct our expectations to not contact people via their emails on MS Teams, we cannot ultimately control and be responsible for this. Therefore, please tick this box to confirm you have read and agree to attend the online meetings being aware of the risks of data sharing involved. 

Confirm your registration

By clicking submit you consent to Thomas Pocklington Trust processing the information provided in this form in line with our privacy policy.